• Feeding Over 200 Families Per Week
  • Volunteers Are Needed to Feed Families in Need
  • Back to School Event
  • Providing Free Educational Supplies
  • Embracing Children in Our Community


Community Connections of Atlanta (CCATL), Inc. is a community organization that has a wide-range of programs designed to provide assistance to individuals and families in need. Our services range from a meal and food distribution program, clothing and household item giveaways, to educational support for youth and job search assistance for adults.

As part of our “Feed the Hungry” program, we provide hot meals and a food pantry. In our “Clothe the Needy” program, we host free garage sales, and offer free access to a clothing closet. In our assistance to the poor program, we help with daily necessities through a benevolence team.

Sign up to our Food Distribution Communication System and you will be notified by text message when distribution will take place. 

Text:  @CCATLFOOD to phone number 81010 OR phone number 706.229.7206.


Wednesday Evening - Meal & Food Distribution

Wednesday evening at Truth Tabernacle of Praise begins with our 5:00 pm Agape meal in the downstairs dining room.    Hot meals are prepared free of charge for all who come and wish to dine in. 

At approximately 7:30 pm, food distribution begins.  Healthy, wholesome boxes of food which can feed a family of 4 for a week are provided free of charge for all who come seeking this type of assistance. 

When you arrive, you'll find smiling faces ready to give you any information you might need.  The collection, packaging and distribution of food is all done by a volunteer workforce.  Would you like to help feed those in need?  Please donate your time or provide a monetary donation.

  February 2025  
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